Crowell & Moring has released Litigation Forecast 2020: What Corporate Counsel Need to Know for the Coming Year. The eighth-annual Forecast provides forward-looking insights from leading Crowell & Moring lawyers to help legal departments anticipate and respond to challenges that might arise in the year ahead.
For 2020, the Forecast focuses on how the digital revolution is giving rise to new litigation risks, and it explores trends in employment non-competes, the future of stare decisis, the role of smartphones in investigations and litigation, and more.
The intellectual property article, “Venue in Patent Cases: The Sea Change Continues” discusses how the Supreme Court’s landmark TC Heartland decision changed the venue calculus for patent plaintiffs and defendants. But two years later, some important issues are still being worked out in the lower courts.
Be sure to follow the conversation on Twitter with #LitigationForecast.