Crowell & Moring invites you to attend the webinar, Trade Secrets Investigations, taking place on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 1:00 pm ET.

Join Raija Horstman, Caroline Brown, Astor Heaven, Steve Byers, and Christine Hawes for a discussion offering practical guidance on steps throughout the lifecycle of a trade secrets theft investigation, from detection to preparing for litigation, including criminal enforcement. Trade secrets and other confidential business information come in many forms, and for many businesses are its most valuable assets. Knowing how to detect and investigate potential instances of trade-secrets theft, whether attributable to insider or outside threats, is therefore critical, as is understanding how to respond to competitor allegations that your company possesses stolen trade secrets.

To register, click here.

This webinar is part of a four day webinar series: Investigations: Readiness and Response Webinar Series. To view the full agenda, click here.