Eastern District of Virginia


E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. settled its long-running trade secret dispute against Kolon Industries, Inc. over the theft of trade secrets related to DuPont’s flagship Kevlar® product. Crowell & Moring attorneys, in partnership with McGuireWoods LLP, represented DuPont in the six-year battle.

Kolon also pled guilty to one count of a conspiracy to convert trade secrets in the related criminal matter brought by the United States Department of Justice, and agreed to pay DuPont $275 million in restitution, along with $80 million in criminal fines. Previously, two former DuPont employees pled guilty to trade secret violations for their consulting work with Kolon. One of the employees served an 18-month prison term, and the other is awaiting sentencing.Continue Reading Bellwether DuPont-Kolon Trade Secrets Case Resolved Through Civil Settlement and Criminal Guilty Plea